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“GLOCK” is a federally registered trademark of Glock, Inc. and is one of many trademarks owned by Glock, Inc. or Glock Ges.mbH. Neither CARVER Custom, Inc., nor this site are affiliated in any manner with, or otherwise endorsed by, Glock, Inc. or Glock Ges.mbH.  The use of “Glock” on this page is merely to advertise the sale of Glock pistols, parts, or components.  For genuine Glock, Inc. and Glock Ges.mbH products and parts visit www.glock.com.

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Carver Custom Mini-Rail For STS Sights Rail Sold Separetley - will fit any Carver Mount

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The Glock in Competition by Robin Tayor

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Due to recent increased demands for our parts and services, our normal order processing time has increased from 24 hours to 72 hours. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.

June 18, 2013

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Frequently Asked Questions

In an effort to assist you with our support, we are providing a list of the "most frequently asked questions" from our Customers. These questions and responses should be used as a source of information to assist you select the right accessories to complete your project.

If you do not find the answers to your questions, please feel free to email our tech team at support@carvercustom.com.


Please click on subject below for FAQ's:


Competition Mount Questions/Answers

Question: Why does the ejection port need to be lowered on the C-More and Aimpoint models?

Answer: The Glock's ejection port is designed to eject the brass up and to the right of the ejection port. When you place any object over the ejection port, restricting the "flight" of the ejected brass, the brass may deflect off of the obstruction and fall back into the ejection, causing a jam when the slide closes.

We recommend lowering the ejection port by .100", maintaining the same curvature of the front and rear angles of the ejection port. In addition, the inside angle should be retained, too. We can provide instructions on how to lower your ejection port but we recommend this to be done by a machinist or gunsmith.


Question: Will the CARVER Competition model fit on any Glock model?

Answer: The CARVER Competition mounting system was designed to fit on Glock models 17, 22, 34, 35 and 31 and any other variations like the 17L or 24. The Competition model will not fit G19 or G23 Glock models. Though the Competition model will fit the G21/G20 models, including the SF models, we do not recommend their use on these large frames because of the tolerances on the side of the larger frame.



Question: Will the Competition model mounting system fit on any Glock Generation?

Answer: No. The Competition model will only fit Generation 3 or 4 model Glocks.

Question: Can I move my C-More base to the rear of my mount?

Answer: Yes. Our C-More bases are drilled with extra holes to allow the base to be moved to the rear. Moving the base to the rear is easy. Just remove the SHC screws, move the C-More base to the rear, realign the holes and then replace the SHC screws. Don't over tighten the SHC screws, they will break. Tighten the screws snug with loctite added to secure them.

Question: How tight should I tighten the trigger pin?

Answer: Tighten the trigger pin until snug, then apply loctite to the trigger pin threads. CAUTION: Do not overtighten the trigger pin because it will squeeze the the frame's sides and could prevent your barrel from unlocking and locking up correctly.

Question: Are parts interchangeable on the Competition mount?

Answer: Yes. All parts for all CARVER mounts are interchangeable. If you want to convert your Weaver mount to a C-More, simply order only the C-More base and replace the Weaver base. Competition mounts can be converted to a Hunter model by replacing only the left and right side plates.



Hunter Mount Questions/Answers


Question: Do you have to remove the the front and rear sights to use a Hunter Mount?

Answer: No. The front and rear sights can be left on the slide when installing and using the CARVER Hunter mount. Exception: BoMar adjustable sights will require removal.

Question: How much taller is the Hunter Mount than the Competition Mount?

Answer: The Hunter Model will position the red dot sight, either Weaver, C-More or Aimpoint ¼" higher above the Glock slide than the Competition Model.

Question: What model Glocks does the Hunter model fit?

Answer: The Hunter Model was designed to fit the G21 or G20 but it will fit all other models that the Competition Model will fit.


Compensator Questions/Answers

Question: How does a compensator work and benefit a gun's performance?


Answer: A compensator is designed to exhaust off the gases and blast pressure that escapes from the barrel once a bullet is fired. "For every action, there's a reaction". This basic principle of physics is why you feel recoil when you're your muzzle rises after a bullet is fired from a stock barrel.

There are two ways to counter the recoil and muzzle rise from the blast:

1. Ports that will exhaust off the blast and gases.

2. Weight on the end of the barrel or muzzle

Our CARVER Custom compensators exhaust off 40-60% of the gases and blast. Our 3 Port compensator exhausts off an average of 40-45% of the blast and gases. Our 4 Port compensator exhausts off an average of 45-60% of the blast and gases. Since the blast and gases are exhausted upward, your barrel and muzzle are countered; thus, having less muzzle rise and recoil Question: When I installed a compensator on my gun, I found that the brass did not eject reliably. What causes that? Answer: A Glock, XDM or S&W M&P function by a "blow back" from the blast when a bullet is fired. When a bullet if fired, the recoil from the blast cycles the slide to the rear. Using a compensator will reduce the "blow back" because it reduces the amount of blast so your slide may not cycle to the rear far enough to eject the spent brass if you are using a recoil spring that is too strong.

We recommend the use of lighter recoil springs when using either a 3 port or 4 port compensator. As a rule, "the more ports, the lighter the recoil spring when using the same ammunition or power factor. 4 ports or more require +P to major power factors to reliably function your Glock, XDM or M&P.

Question: Why are some compensators made out of steel and some aluminum? Advantages of each?

Answer: Steel compensators are used on guns that are not as sensitive to weight on the barrels. We use aluminum to configure our compensators because they have less weight that will avoid modifying the lock up and unlocking of the barrel on the Glock. As a rule a steel compensator is sometimes more efficient than a lighter compensator and is easier to clean but they are more expensive. Heavy compensators will restrict the function of a Glock slowing down the unlocking of the barrel, requiring heavier loads to be used to cycle the gun. Aluminum compensators are less expensive and when properly designed are just as efficient as the heavier compensators, allowing the use of variable loads and ammunition types.

Question: I'm not sure which compensator that I will need. Are there any guidelines that I should consider when buying a compensator?

Answer: As a rule, we recommend the following:

3 Port Compenator: Target loads, Factory ammunition, Major PF loads for IPSC
4 Port Compensator: +P Factory ammunition, heavy handloads, Major PF loads for IPSC

Question: Is a lighter bullet the best bullet for a compensator?

Answer: Compensators are more efficient when there's more pressure. A lighter bullet will work with compensators with 3 ports or less whereas heavier bullets will work all compensators when they achieve at least a 130,000 PF (PF=bullet weight x velocity)

Question: How do I secure the compensator to the barrel?

Answer: Aluminum compensators are securely fixed on the barrel by threading them onto the barrel and using a red loctite or other industrial thread bond to secure the compensator and to prevent it fromm unscrewing.

Question: Why are the holes on the side of the compensator important?


Answer: The "bleeder" holes on the side of the compensator are part of our comp's configuration and designed to intake air to push more of the blast upward. The "bleeder" holes help keep the combustion ports cleaned out by pushing out more air upward, too.

Question: How do I clean the compensator?

Answer: We have found that spraying a light oil into the ports before shooting and by swabbing out the ports after you finish shooting, the carbon buildup will be reduced. It's best to avoid any lead bullets or lead based bullets when using a compensator. The lead from such bullets will settle and build up in the bottom of the ports on your compensator. When you see a large buildup inside the ports, you can pick the lead out with a metal pick. Aluminum compensators are a great value so after 60-75,000 rounds, it's just as easy to replace the compensator.

Question: I'm accustomed to cleaning my gun after each time I shoot my gun. Should I remove my compensator to clean my gun?


Answer: We recommend that you "do not" remove your compensator unless you are replacing the compensator. By sliding the barrel with the compensator outward through the slide, you can easily clean your barrel and swab your slide .

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Monday - Friday 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

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CARVER Custom, Inc.

10200 Belle Rive Blvd. Unit 3805

Jacksonville, FL 32256

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